Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Freaking. Intense.

As I've told you before: I don't really "plan" my scenes out. I just let it flow when it flows and watch it fall to ruin then topple into a black of bleak oblivion and be lost forever. You know? It can go either way.

Anyway, during my sailing scene Eir, the MC, was just going to do her thing, tamper with fate, etc., but I decided to rather put her life in mortal danger and have a



I feel like I can... spit rainbows after writing it.

In fact I love it so much I'm gonna share with you guys.

That's right.

Feel loved!! <3


Keidren ripped himself from Kyle's grasp and struggled his way back to the hatch. He had to help Eir, he would not leave her to do whatever it was she was doing alone. But Kyle grabbed his arm. “No! Don't disturb her!”
“She's going to die!” yelled Keidren back. The singly lit lantern hanging from the ceiling swung crazily back and forth, shedding dim, yellow light over the hold filled with fearful faces. Leo was somewhere in the back with the younger sailors.
“No,” says Kyle, and Keidren saw the happiness mixed with glee in his face. “She's not.”
Keidren didn't want to believe him, so he shoved him away and jumped towards the the hatch, throwing it open, spraying himself and the people below him with sea water. He blinked back the water from his eyes, then froze, first with fear and then awe.
Eir stood firmly, the fierce rocking of the ship not tilting her balance at all. Her hands were raised and she was staring with a feral ferocity at the clouds above her. Before Keidren’s eyes they seemed to bend and warp, splitting apart so the rain now fell lightly in parallel sheets rather than in chaotic, windswept paths of unpredictable measure. The boat seemed to steady, the waves around it less harsh.
She was breaking the storm.
Keidren wasn’t sure how long it lasted. How long he stood there staring at her. Her body arched as it poured out power. She controlled the storm for hours though it lasted seconds, or was it the other way around? It was controlling, Keidren was mesmerized, but he couldn’t help but look all around.
Waves that rose higher than the ship were slapped away like a raindrop by a giant hand. Rain swerved aside as though it hit an invisible shield.
Keidren was awed. He was amazed. He was frightened. He was hopeful. He was worried. He was sure it was indubitably truth.
He was in love.
Almost in slow motion the moon broke through the clouds and shot down a beam of silver light, bathing the boat and water in a surreal glow, gleaming off the wet wood. They were out of the storm, and behind him it continued to rage, the water around them gently slapping at the sides of the ship, the only reminder that a typhoon had ever been around them.


Yes, it's from the third person. Usually its written in first person from the perspective of Eir, but this scene was just SO EPIC I had to do it from Keidren's P.O.V.

So.... something that long probably won't happen again. It's not revealing, so it's all good. Yeah, I really don't get to the nitty gritty stuff until part 3 (and then of course part 4).


Keep writing everyone!


  1. This is unrelated to your post, but:
    I just received an email from your address that was also sent to a lot of other Wizard101-related addresses. All it contained was a link that led to a website I didn't recognize, and the subject line of the email was "Re:". It seemed a little strange, so I have to ask: did you actually send that? Thanks.
