Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The End

So it's over. Again.

However this year I wouldn't say I've 'failed'. I've had SO much fun talking with my cabin mates and Des and reading up on Sophia's travel through it.

  • Destiny (Second_Sparrow)
  • Sophia
  • Oneirokinetic
  • SecondLinnet
  • Mudokon
Writethewrong, you're so close!! 

I cannot say how much fun I had, even through the writers blocks. Totally psyched for November ^_^


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Watching Merlin

KING: "Do you have some sort of mental affliction?"
MERLIN: "Probably."
GAIUS: "I'm looking into it sire."

So many lolz.

Oh, and everyone should read that newest e-mail letter. It's my predicament exactly.


Monday, April 22, 2013

I Think I'm Falling Towards Imminent Failure

No matter what I try to do, the words won't come! And this isn't like writers block from before, it's like I'm sinking in mud, staring at what I want to happen - what I know is going to happen - but find myself thoroughly unmotivated.


Not to mention this cold is not exactly being nice (it seemed like all the WriMo's I know got sick sometime this month).

So, here's from the warning of a pessimist who's trying her best.



I found the first when I was searching for an RP profile (so all credit to owner), the second I made - actually made it first a while ago. Aren't they super close!!?? If you needed a real life form of Eir there you have it.



Well, it means I'm home all day, but even though I had so much inspiration for the scene that I'm writing now, I can't bring myself to write. It's quite depressing really.

RP's are seriously addicting...


Friday, April 19, 2013

List Of Awesome Stuff

  1. It's 72 degrees
  2. My windows are open
  3. It's night + open windows
  4. Level 56!! :D (er... wrong blog)
  5. It's friday
  6. I'm now on vacation (sorry to those who are now done with it)
  7. This is my second post.... what?
  8. Made colorful pinwheels in math
  9. Ignored everything in history class
  10. Had CW and piano = pluses
  11. Had a harp lesson :)
  12. Came up with ingenius idea for The Variance's Book V
  13. Dog is exceptionally cute (as per usual)


Haven't Written A Word --

-- And I've been dared to write 10k in one day.

Which basically means finish part 2 and then some.

Yay! :D


Suddenly a face breaks through the lingering gray mist. A face masked by a white skull helm, a stiff, pale jaw protruding from beneath. I can see a neck and the top of black robes that vanish into the darkness itself. The darkness is no longer just a void, but a mist that rises and falls in hills and waves, tumbling over my arms and coiling about my legs.



Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I Want. This Week. To Be. Over!

Schoolwork dump? Ha! UNDERSTATEMENT.

  • Monday - feels like wednesday...
    • math test (as in, major unit test)
  • Tuesday - please. be. over.
    • english test
    • massive science test
    • assigned science project due thursday
  • Wednesday - hump is over, week half gone! Kidding, two more days. Meh.
    • english quiz
  • Thursday - one more day.... uuuggghhh
    • latin test + quiz
  • Friday - it's over!
    • history test
    • wait.... VACATION TIME!! :D

Are. You. Kidding?

SCHOOL: "LOLZ! Cause you know I'm here to help you life and give you a successful job - "
ME: *cuts School off* "When am I gonna apply the French Revolution to real life? I'm not going to be a history teacher! Okay, the guillotine is pretty cool, that might be in a future book."
SCHOOL: "Ahem, your point?"
ME: "And happening to know that adenine always pairs with thymine, et cetera...?"
SCHOOL: "Crime scenes? Don't you watch CSI?"
ME: "For your information, I do not watch CSI. I don't really care about G.M.O.'s."
SCHOOL: "Yet you remember those facts."
ME: "Shush your face...."

But apparently Sparrow/Des and Sophia has vaca this week. Hope you guys got lots of writing done!! Well, I know Sophia did. Congrats!



I’m burning hot. I’m freezing cold.
Everything around me is bright gold. Everything around me is pitch black.
My blood pulses in my ears like a drum beat, pounding to the rhythm of my heart. My skin is flaking ice white, my fingers and toes numb.
I could withstand it for a while longer. I couldn't stand it for another moment.
It's unbalanced yet at perfect equilibrium, and then it shatters. The warmth and the cold, the light and the dark, my blood and my skin are ripped apart and patched together again in less than a second. I feel like a rag doll: helpless, lifeless, only moved by the hand of fate.


I liked that description.

Keep writing!


Ok, so apparently a bunch of people got an e-mail from me about ...W101? Yeah....


No idea why that happened.



Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Freaking. Intense.

As I've told you before: I don't really "plan" my scenes out. I just let it flow when it flows and watch it fall to ruin then topple into a black of bleak oblivion and be lost forever. You know? It can go either way.

Anyway, during my sailing scene Eir, the MC, was just going to do her thing, tamper with fate, etc., but I decided to rather put her life in mortal danger and have a



I feel like I can... spit rainbows after writing it.

In fact I love it so much I'm gonna share with you guys.

That's right.

Feel loved!! <3


Keidren ripped himself from Kyle's grasp and struggled his way back to the hatch. He had to help Eir, he would not leave her to do whatever it was she was doing alone. But Kyle grabbed his arm. “No! Don't disturb her!”
“She's going to die!” yelled Keidren back. The singly lit lantern hanging from the ceiling swung crazily back and forth, shedding dim, yellow light over the hold filled with fearful faces. Leo was somewhere in the back with the younger sailors.
“No,” says Kyle, and Keidren saw the happiness mixed with glee in his face. “She's not.”
Keidren didn't want to believe him, so he shoved him away and jumped towards the the hatch, throwing it open, spraying himself and the people below him with sea water. He blinked back the water from his eyes, then froze, first with fear and then awe.
Eir stood firmly, the fierce rocking of the ship not tilting her balance at all. Her hands were raised and she was staring with a feral ferocity at the clouds above her. Before Keidren’s eyes they seemed to bend and warp, splitting apart so the rain now fell lightly in parallel sheets rather than in chaotic, windswept paths of unpredictable measure. The boat seemed to steady, the waves around it less harsh.
She was breaking the storm.
Keidren wasn’t sure how long it lasted. How long he stood there staring at her. Her body arched as it poured out power. She controlled the storm for hours though it lasted seconds, or was it the other way around? It was controlling, Keidren was mesmerized, but he couldn’t help but look all around.
Waves that rose higher than the ship were slapped away like a raindrop by a giant hand. Rain swerved aside as though it hit an invisible shield.
Keidren was awed. He was amazed. He was frightened. He was hopeful. He was worried. He was sure it was indubitably truth.
He was in love.
Almost in slow motion the moon broke through the clouds and shot down a beam of silver light, bathing the boat and water in a surreal glow, gleaming off the wet wood. They were out of the storm, and behind him it continued to rage, the water around them gently slapping at the sides of the ship, the only reminder that a typhoon had ever been around them.


Yes, it's from the third person. Usually its written in first person from the perspective of Eir, but this scene was just SO EPIC I had to do it from Keidren's P.O.V.

So.... something that long probably won't happen again. It's not revealing, so it's all good. Yeah, I really don't get to the nitty gritty stuff until part 3 (and then of course part 4).


Keep writing everyone!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Explanations Are Deserved (New Goal)

Sheesh, I'm so indecisive. So, here's the dealio...

Rather than aiming to finish my entire novel this month, I'll shoot for half. A.K.A., about 40k words. I don't mean to lower it, but judging on my logic in my last post, there really is no way I can write my entire novel in one month since it's most likely going to be over 50k words.


In other news I was in the grocery store with my parents the other day, and I was looking for a new tea flavor.

Now, I'm a HUGE herbal tea drinker. I tested and loved Jasmine, English Breakfast, Raspberry, and Vanilla Chai.

As I was looking over the shelves I spot a box with a green dragon on it. Catches your eye, ya know? It's title flavor was something like Tame Tamis or something. I pick it up and start walking over to where my mother was perusing penut butter.

When I reach her a look of confusion is plastered across my face and I read out the ingredients  One happens to be 'catnip.'



We had this whole conversation that was something like this:

MOM: Catnip is a stimulant fo cats.
ME: But this is suppose to calm you.
MOM: And look at these here, these are drugs.
ME: Tea is a drug.
MOM: .....
ME: Fine, I'll choose a different one.

So I do and I switch to Honey Vanilla Chamomile.

When I got home to make some I open the box and the wafting scent of oranges comes out.

I was really confused.

But then I opened up the wax paper that covered the tea bags and oranges turned to super-scented-sugar-honey smell.

Let's just say that it was really good tea.


Sunday, April 14, 2013

So Here's An Update Thing

I've decided to lower my word count, but I'm sure it won't stay lowered.

I'm going to follow the advice of a friend and mark up my word count as I go.

I mean, I seriously doubt ADW is going to end up at 50k words.

Logic behind that? Well:
  1. Part one was 41 pages
  2. By planning out part two, that should be longer than part one
  3. Book one (AGW) was 64k words
  4. Book one part four was the longest part at 43 pages
  5. So book two is looking to be longer

I'm going to update my word count by parts. If part one was approximately 18-20k words, then I'll estimate that part two will be the same. Word count now? 40k. If each part is going to be about the same, then I'll keep changing the word count goal by 20k.

"Wait, Emma, so you're estimating an 80,000 word book?"


...Plus I should be writing!


Friday, April 12, 2013

To Kill Or Not To Kill

I would pick a daisy and count the petals, but it's snowing outside (yah!), and I'm sick, so how 'bout not.

Finished part one today.


I'm still behind though.


I've been debating whether or not to kill the best friend of my MC. I talked it over with my cabin mates, saying how she would die, etc., and Writethewrong replied:
"Oh, that's a perfectly valid reason. Perfect motivation for the MC, I definitely think you should kill her."

So..... I just might do it.



I slip in and out of feverish dreams. Sometimes I awake and feel closed in cold darkness, other times I’m blinded by bright lights and I feel my body prickle and sweat with excessive heat.
Finally the heat broke and I woke feeling like air.
I pant for a moment, my chest heaving up and down. I’m looking straight up into a canvas ceiling, and the scent of salt lulls on an ocean breeze over my face. It appears to be midday, and the rocking of a boat makes me almost want to fall back asleep.


Annnd....... I hope you laugh!


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Oh yeah Emma, great, now you're BEHIND

And sick too.

Note to self: fix procrastination.


All the prisoners jump up and scramble towards the bars, sticking their hands out and waving their muddy fingers. I share a look of confusion with the employers I got thrown in with, then try to stand over the crowd. This proves pointless as I’m knocked aside and shoved into the corner between cold stone and bodies that smell worse than the ground.


MC is in prison. Won't be for long though. And almost done with part one!! (of four.) Ending up being a lot longer than I anticipated, given part one of book I was only 30-something pages. I'm going on 43 pages now.


Got a new title font :)


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Behind..... again......

Well, just barely. I need to write a little over a thousand words to meet tomorrows goal and stay a day ahead. So I should be writing rather than posting this, but I didn't want to leave you guys hanging...

I have a latin quiz, a science, test, a math test, and an english quiz.
All on friday.

So I probably won't be able to write on thursday.

So I'll be behind for one day, then hopefully I can get ahead over the weekend.

I've also gained great inspiration for a fifth book in my The Variance's series. Here's a title font I like a lot for it:
Technically my series can be read out of order... Except for books 3 & 4, those have to be read in that order. 1, 2, and 5 can be read in any.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Got it going at long last

Yeah, so I'm past my writing of failure, and now I'm in the action.


I've honestly been dying to get to this part of the story. My MC is getting throne in jail, she's going to witness the work of the arch-antagonist (as in, the main main main bad guy [I've got a lot of bad guys]),  and then comes the long days of sailing.

Great, soon to be a block again. Yay.


I give a relieved laugh as well. Then the world slows down. I feel a thick hand on my ankle, and then I’m falling backwards. Keidren calls something out, but I don’t hear him. I’m holding a knife away from my face as I’m pinned beneath thick arms. My ears are filled with cotton, and my body is beyond Nighthawk mode now, it’s survival.
Just as I raise my foot and kick his kneecap, the vicious steel bites into my face. Warm blood spills down my cheek and now I really can’t see. The world around me relaxes like melting wax and darkness fuzzes at my vision. It doesn’t last long before I pass out.



Sunday, April 7, 2013

Getting back in the swing of it

I hope.

See, I can't plan a whole book out. Maybe the outline, but never every single scene. Most of the time I'm just winging it.

For instance:
I wasn't going to introduce a specific character until MUCH later on in the book. However I just decided to have them show up in the coffee shop my MC is hanging out in. The MC doesn't know about this other characters importance until later on, but I'm adding an interesting minor plot twist.

See? I did not plan that out.


“Miss Nevett, please,” says her guards gruff voice. “Your father - ”
She interrupts with a mumble that I can’t catch, then, “...so no!”
They mutter back and forth, so I pick up another flower. Then I witness the oddest thing. Nevett gets a soft, caring look on her face as she looks in her guards eyes. Then she lifts herself up and kisses him. 
I look away as fast as I can, jam the flower back in the pot, ignore the angry cry of the flower seller, and hurry out of there. I don’t know why I did. It was just odd seeing that taught princess in some relationship with her guard. How incredibly cliché.



I'm now about 2/3 done with Part One (of four). Yay!

Only because I cranked out, like... 2,000 some odd words today. My goal is to stay a day ahead, though I think I'm at two now (not that there's anything wrong with that). It felt awesome.

Speaking of awesome, I had to host a spaghetti dinner last night. I didn't know you were suppose to dress up so I appeared in jeans, convers, and a college jersey (not mine). I had a fantasy moment where I was Sebastian from Black Butler -
- and I instantly changed into some black waitress dress or something.
That would've been awesome.


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Mac Disabilities

They are completely unfair.


So I wanted to make a map using this software called Campaign Cartographer 3. I watched a tutorial and it makes some pretty awesome maps, much better than my hand drawn ones (well, sometimes those are good).

But it doesn't run on a mac.

Of course.



Not to mention I'm fighting writers block trying to get to my fight scene.

I've got homework which I've got no motivation to do (but it's half done anyway).

I'm waiting for my burst of inspiration like I had on day 2.
Day 2!!
I wrote like 4k words in one day. Super rare but super awesome and now I'm stuck!!

*turns off music*

Ok, that's a bit better.

I should... probably go write now.


Friday, April 5, 2013

Those moments when everything just.... flows


I'll be forcing out word after word, and then a paragraph will just appear and I'll me like: "Oh, hey, how did that get here?"

Anyway, my cabin-mate SecondLinnet described a new character development that I found hilarious...

"Imagination going strong; now have an inter-dimensional rickshaw driver called Andy and guard dragon named George, who likes to claim to be vegetarian."

Then another cabin-mate, Oneirokinetic, asked who the vegetarian was, and the response was:

"George the dragon. Although he has to own up to eating a cow but insists it nibbled on his roses and was asking for it..."


It was awesome.

Today thus far:
  • Renamed Nigel [Hemmingsworth] to Keidren
  • MC has homesickness
  • Listening to music on the best headphones ever
  • It's snowing........ dangit
  • Foreshadowed (ooooh!) / some dramatic irony

Todays' highlight: 

Keidren shoots them practiced, irritated looks; looks one gives family members. An odd pang of jealousy and homesickness echoes in my stomach. I suddenly miss everyone back at Saorm more than ever, especially Talen. Why did some people get families while I’m stuck with nothing? Levi has her father, Clover has her mother, Talen has his mother, and all three of them had each other. 
And who do I have? Well, right now myself, if that even counts for anything.

Oh, and found these on the lovely interwebz:


Thursday, April 4, 2013

10K MARK! :D

Favorite excerpt:

I’ll save you the details of the couple carrying their bulging trunks up the stairs, taking up the entire width, literally. I couldn’t pass them at any angle that wouldn’t be awkward.
Thankfully their room is on the first floor and I hold myself back from sprinting past them. Slow people aggravated me, enough said.
Back in my own room, I shrug off the cloak and an intense, aching pain blossoms in the soles of my feet. Walking all day for three weeks straight is finally catching up to me. Maybe I just won’t get out of bed tomorrow...
I dig up enough energy to change into sleeping clothes, a thin pair of cotton trousers and an equally thin shirt. The bed is made, and I expect there’s new water in the basin too.
Tiredness drags my eyelids down, but my nerves are still running. It’s been one day in Pearlport, and already it felt like a lot has happened.
Or maybe that’s just me.



Warm, buttery, maple flavored, fresh out of the oven.... uuggghhhhh...............

Words are being forced out, but they're coming! Right after I finish all my late science homework, make up two Latin tests, and CRUSH THE OPPOSING SCHOOL AT LATIN DAY!!!

We lost last year.

THIS year we shall return to school with out faces painted red with the blood of our fallen enemies!!

Okay, maybe not with blood, but with red nonetheless.

Pacere subtiectis et debellare superbos!!


Favorite thing I've written:

I roll my eyes. “Glad to know travelers are easily picked out.”
He laughs. “Unfortunately yes.” He reaches his hand over the counter. “I’m Nigel. Hemmingsworth.”
As I take his rough, calloused hand, something about his name rings a bell. “Elle Bask,” I reply.
“Nigel! Stop yer slacking and git back ta work!”
The voice bellows from a back room, and several people turn to look at Nigel, whose face has gained a light pink shade like an early spring rose. Suddenly I make the connection. “You’re Nigel!” I say. “Your father is Abram, I met him last night.”

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day Three (highlight)

Wrote this and loved it! Lol.


Biting into the apple, my eyes fall on the box Abram had given me. I reach down and pick it up in my spare hand. It's made of a dark wood the color of tanned honey with a pink flower in the middle, delicately painted with white bleeding on the edges. The lid slides out, and it reveals a thick cloth tube with a metal head. I pick it up and feel its contents squish around beneath my fingers. I pull out the cork out of the top and gently squeeze the middle. A substance like thick poop squirts out.


In case you're curious, that would be hair dye.

Keep writing!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Day One + Two

Currently: 6959

Oh, it was fun. I've gotten out the first two chapters and am working on the third. Had a revealing scene with a main character, repeatedly mentioned the nervousness of the MC, and made a major side character have a mental break down.


That's about it :)
