Saturday, July 20, 2013

Sure it was $40, but it was totally worth it

What am I talking about?
"Ha! Wouldn't you like to know! Yes, I suppose you would. Well, here it goes..."
-Stella, DQIX

I just purchased every single 'Lord of the Rings' and 'The Hobbit' music/symphony album. That's about 90 or so songs of PURE AWESOMENESS. Honestly, Misty Mountains, Over Hill, and Riders of Rohan come on and I just... I get a nerdgasm.

I'm really not the 'omg' kinda of girl.


jt[0u2390thi;;kdfnbiuhawetywiOTHIGJBIGJ]WEOIWFNQoiehrgiohbef98235ybwep'ab about sums up my thoughts on the matter :D

Ooh, The Uruk-hai just came on.

Howard Shore... you are a genius.
Enough said.

So, basically as Lord of the Rings Online TAKES FOR FREAKING EVER to download, I'm listening to the music and sitting in pain (wisdom teeth) and eating french toast.

Ok, LOTR music wasn't all I got. I got... five other songs? One was by The Fray, another by Evanescence, and, er, Bruno Mars I think. Also some more piano music by Theunsungheroine. What? I had over $60 in iTunes giftcards :)


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