Monday, July 15, 2013

Did you know Erza Scarlet (Fairytail) is considered the #1 hottest anime girl?

I didn't know some of the others, and some points I wanted to rearrange the orders (come on, Tifa should not be #15...). And please, some of those were fan-drawings that always make the characters hotter or cuter than they actually are (no offense but Hinata is not that cute... and in the picture she looks a but demented...)

I was quite proud to see Nami (One Piece) was #3 and Lucy (also Fairytail) as #2. I am a HUGE Fairytail and One Piece fan. I find it very hard to judge any anime character (female or male), so I'm fairly happy with the outcomes, though I suppose a lot of people wouldn't agree. (But seriously, Cloud had better be #1 for hottest anime guys...)

I also found one of legos. LEGOS.

I think I'm going to do a post of the cutest anime couples when I remember to.
That'll be fun :)


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