Wednesday, February 20, 2013

New Stuffs Of Epicocity

Is that how you spell it? E-P-I-C-O-C-I-T-Y? I hope so.

Anyway! Hello! So here's how my sick day has been going thus far:

Started out with catching up with a little DQIX, and was all like "Hey! I'm going to kill you Hootingham-Gore!" And then he killed me (it was really pathetic. First my warrior died, then the MC, then as soon as the healer was all like "I'm going to do my awesome healing stuff" Mr. HH-G was all like "Sorry, I'm going to have to... kill you!" And then that left my mage who did not last long.).

So then I was all like "My tactics were terrible, I'm gonna try again!" Which, in your eyes, must seem really stupid, but guess what! Ownage! HH-G is gooone! :)

Then I got bored with that, so I turned to youtube and watched about 20 episodes of Tobusucs's Zelda Skyward Sword, which is always fun :)

Then I was writing and stuff and, oh! GUESS. WHAT.

Have you ever heard of the song First of the Year by Skrillex? I don't know what kind of music you listen to, but I call this my "writing music" cause it doesn't have words that I would be inclined to sing along to, it's just an awesome base and melody and wordlessness. Anyway, I was listening to that and was thinking "Huh, I wonder if I can learn this on the piano...?" So I bought sheet music for it, and IT'S AWESOMESAUCEINESS.

Check this out (no, that's most certainly NOT me, lol, just in case you had a sneaking suspicion):
Awesome right?
Challenge.... ACCEPTED!

And while you're at it, doesn't this one (also by Skrillex, Scary Monsters and Nice Spirit) have a gorgeous melody? I almost prefer it to the original!


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