Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Home Sick - level time!


But first off:


Anyway, picture time!!




And also:


“Come on, Risa, don’t die on us! Fight it, love, this isn’t over!”
“You know how ticked the Enclave will be about this.”
“Someone get a Priest, quickly!”
“Forget it, Will, it’s too late.”
The voices rang on every side of me, resonating through my ears pounding with blood. My entire body was sore, my nails peeled back from gripping the sword so hard, from hacking at too many undead limbs. Why wasn’t I fighting anymore? Why were my fingers so cold?
A blurry face comes into view, and my eyes fight to adjust and make out features, but they won’t obey. A hand rests on my cheek, gently, lovingly, and something wet and warm drips on my face.
“Don’t leave me, Risa,” the voice begged. “Remember our promise?”
But I can’t remember anything.
Where was I?
What was happening?
Why were there so many voices?
Who was this person?

Who am I?

“No, Risa!”
“Stop it, no... Will!”
“No, we can still save her!”
Will, look, she shifted back.”
“But - ” The voice is cut off by a smacking sound, as though one person had hit another.
“Snap out of it! Look at her. Look! She’s dead, there’s nothing more you can do.”
“But Risa...!”
“We have a battle to fight. We’re losing, the scourge will overrun us soon, we have to leave.”
Silence. Why had they stopped talking? Who was Risa? Who was dead?
“Alright,” the voice replied reluctantly. “But we’re bringing her.”

“I’m afraid that’s out of the question.”

This new voice made my blood run cold. Colder than I had been already. It was deep, hollow, it stung like a thousand needles. My motionless body retracted, curling then uncurling in painful spasms.
“No! Stop it!”
Malicious laughter only echoed in response. The pain increased. I screamed as something seemed to tear out my eyes, remold my limbs as though they were clay. Nails clamped down on my brain, wanting to tear it apart.
“There is no victory today, pathetic mortals.”
Suddenly the world cleared. Red plains spotted with barren trees were laid out around me. Bodies clad both in white armor splattered with blood and tattered tunics were motionless all around. Two forces were clashed in a bloody battle, fighting over the control of the Scarlet Enclave. Nearby, watching in horror, were two men. One old, a commander, the other young, a soldier.
I forced to control my hand through the washes of pain, and reached for Will. His eyes lit up for just a moment, and almost moved to reached back for me. “Help... Me...” I gasped, barely audible. But then a chilling sensation washed over my body.
“Risa, no!”
A final burst of pain sent red flashing across my eyes. The last thing I saw was Will’s pleading face, his watery green eyes spilling tears of sorrow, and then my world turned back and I remembered no more.


It'll certainly be updated on Figment, but I'll also probably most likely post it up here too.
Here will be the "clean" version, however the one of Figment.... well.... won't be :p

I don't own the image.
Other stuff made by yours truly :)

Busy Busy Busy

I've been on Warcraft ALL MONTH.


And let me tell you, at one point while questing in the Scarlet Crusade territory right at the beginning, there were some feels.

As in, my new character, Risakane, who is a Worgen, had to execute a prisoner. ANOTHER WORGEN. Now, I have a lot of racial pride in this game. Worgen's are my brothers and sisters, Gilneas is my home that I will fight for, I hate all undead and will never play one (Shh DK's don't count :p). When this dude started crying about how I shouldn't have let the darkness overcome me etc, I teared up and then was forced to kill him.


I was half expecting the guy I reported back to to be like "Um... are you crying? Crying is for the weak! Man up!" Anyway...

After finishing that up, I was sent on my way to Stormwind, spoke with King Varian Wyrnn, wandered around lost for a bit, googled what I should do next, FINALLY found the notice bored, accepted my quest to the Outlands, and there I went!

First, I took the boat over to Northrend. It pretty cool there.

Of course, it's Tuesday so I'm kicked off the server until to 2pm (my time). I did, however, come up with a cool fanfic idea for WoW, and depending on how much I write, I may post it up here ^_^ I think I can actually get it right this time. It might seem kinda cliché at first, I mean, following the in-game plot line exactly, etc, but I'm hoping to figure out how to make it unique the further in I get :)

When the server's are back up, I'll get some new screen shots and post them up, since you're probably dying to know what Risakane looks like in all her DK glory XD Skyta looks pretty awesome too :3


Thursday, October 3, 2013

NaNo Page Is Up!!



OR you can find it on the sidebar among my other NaNo year pages beneath the page thingy.



PS, check out my profile! XD

Truthfully: Tortoro is my best friend and I'm the daughter of a pirate from Gilneas (my mother is from Darnassus). About four months ago I was turned into a Worgen and became a Shadowhunter and well-paid mercenary ninja (part-time of course), and now I'm traversing Azeroth and Middle Earth for the Ring of Power and Excalibur. Recently I took residence in Wall Rose and joined the Survey Corps in their battle against the Titans and other Dark Guilds of Fiore to preserve humanity (you're welcome).
Realistically: I have impeccable taste in ice-cream flavors (coffee-chocolate chunk is the best). I love reading (duh), and writing (again, duh), and roleplays and video games and my friends (IRL and online). I have the cutest dog, I fail at NaNo yet I do it again every year (adds to the crazy). I hate heat and extreme cold. I'm going to be an author and video game storyboard designer :D